We all want to know the secret to getting that beautiful, healthy skin. Did you know that what you eat can be just as important as the serums and creams that you apply on your skin every day? That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 9 foods you should eat if you want healthy-looking skin. Read about them below!
Olive Oil – Olive oil can help reduce the signs of aging. That’s because 75% of the fat found in olive oil is monounsaturated fatty acids, which may play a role in giving your skin that youthful look. Additionally, the powerful antioxidants, polyhphenols, can also work in eradicating free radicals, keeping your skin healthy.
Tomatoes – Rejoice, tomato fans! Now you have an extra excuse to eat more tomatoes this summer. The antioxidant lycopene, which is found in tomatoes, helps improve your skin’s natural SPF and can give your skin that beautiful glow you’re looking for.
Dark Chocolate – Are you a chocolate fan? Indulge in dark chocolate a little more to get beautiful, healthy skin! The sweet treat’s antioxidants help hydrate your skin, improve circulation, and keep your skin feeling silky and smooth.
Green Tea – Tea fans, this one’s for you! A recent study published in The Journal of Nutrition found that those who drank a beverage containing green tea polyphenols every day for 12 weeks had skin that was smoother and more elastic. That’s because green tea’s catechins and antioxidants work to boost your blood flow and oxygen to the skin, meaning that your skin receives key nutrients faster and more efficiently. The result? A healthy complexion!
Kale – Free radicals created by UV light don’t stand a chance against the lutein and zeaxanthin found in kale! Kale is the greatest source of both of these helpful nutrients, giving you another reason to add this veggie to your grocery list. Besides, just one cup of kale will give you over 100% of vitamins A and C with very few calories!
Walnuts – When it comes to nuts, walnuts are the best for your skin. They are chock full of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help abolish dry, scaly skin and give you that youthful sheen to your skin.
Water – Water has been known to help you maintain a healthy weight and hydrate you, but it can also make your skin look plumper and less wrinkled! Be sure to drink up and get plenty of water every day. Say no to sodas, juices, and sports drinks; these drinks have a ton of sugar, which can ultimately cause your skin to sag and look haggard.
Kiwi – This yummy little fruit packs a real punch of vitamin C, which stimulates your collagen synthesis. This will help keep your skin taught and smooth. It can also help reduce wrinkles and damage from the sun!
Carrots – According to a 2011 UK study, those who ate a higher amount of carotenoid-containing fruits and vegetables (like carrots!) had more yellow tones to their skin, which gave them a healthy, youthful complexion. It’s just another reason why you should add this tasty vegetable to your diet!
In addition to a healthy diet, The Lifestyle Center can help you regain that youthful, shimmering skin that you once had. Schedule your free consultation with us today by calling (314) 863-5556 or visit us online at www.thelifestylecenter.com to learn more about us!