
Now Is the Time to Get Ready for the Holiday Season

By Amy Candrl

Youthful skin radiates light. Have you ever noticed when you look at a baby's skin how it just glows? As we age, our skin can accumulate damage which results in absorption of light rather than reflection of light. This can include wrinkles, sun damage and brown spots, textural irregularities and scarring, redness, and visible vessels. In addition, volume loss in the face can cause a caved in appearance or drooping appearance. Fortunately, most of these conditions can be treated non-surgically to restore the glow to your skin and volume to your face.

Botox, Dysport and Xeomin are used to treat what we call dynamic wrinkles. These are wrinkles which become evident or more apparent when you frown or with facial movement. Results from these treatments typically last 3-4 months. Common areas that are treated are the frown lines or glabella, the forehead and the crow's feet.

Dermal fillers are used to fill out or expand the tissue where volume has been lost. Some of the fine lines can also be treated with dermal fillers. Common areas where fillers are placed are the cheeks, the nasal labial folds, the tear troughs, the jaw line, and the lips. Results can last from 6 months to 5 years or more depending on the area being treated and the filler that is used. At The Lifestyle Center, we offer Radiesse, Juvederm, Restylane, Pelane, Belotero, and Artefill.

Improving the texture of the skin and reducing pigment irregularities is best accomplished with laser treatments. IPLs will reduce pigment irregularities, redness and some vascular lesions. Fractional resurfacing with the Matrix RF will reduce textural irregularities including scarring and enlarged pores. The Venus Freeze is an excellent treatment for tightening and lifting the skin. We are also seeing a nice improvement in wrinkles using the Freeze.

To look your best, it is often recommended to combine services. The overall effect can reduce the appearance of your age by years and give you a glowing complexion for the Holidays or for other special events. We offer a free consultation and recommend getting started 2-3 months before your special event or the holidays.

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