
Shave 5-10 Years off Your Hands’ Appearance with Radiesse!

By Amy Candrl

Your hands are always exposed to the elements. From the time you are born, your hands are rarely covered, and they are constantly in use. Because of this consistent exposure and overworking, your hands can age faster than the rest of you.


Oftentimes, the skin has obtained age spots from years of sun damage, and veins become more visible due to the loss of soft tissue volume. This damage can leave the skin appearing discolored, loose, and wrinkly.


With Radiesse, you can immediately change that. These small injections yield more youthful looking hands by filling in the spaces in which the volume has gone down. After just a few weeks, Radiesse also begins to stimulate new collagen production helping this treatment last up to two years!


Dr. Moore is an expert dermal injectable filler and uses Radiesse to restore your hands’ appearance with very little discomfort and recovery time. In addition, he is also the only certified Radiesse Hand Injector in the St. Louis Area. Watch as Dr. Moore performs this quick procedure at The Lifestyle Center in less than 30 minutes.


Hand Injections At The Lifestyle Center from Lifestyle Center on Vimeo.


Call us today at (314) 863-5556 to schedule your free consultation!



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