
Want to Get Your Youthful Skin Back in Less Time? Bellafill Is the Answer!

By Amy Candrl

Have you been noticing an increase in wrinkles lately? Do you feel like you just don’t appear as youthful and bright as you used to look anymore? If this rings true for you, you’ve probably heard that dermal fillers may be the answer to reducing or eliminating those pesky wrinkles. The trouble is that for most patients, most dermal fillers will only last approximately one year before the body breaks it down and the effects of the collagen stimulation are greatly reduced.

The Lifestyle Center in St. Louis has the answer to give you that long-term volume-loss and wrinkle correction that you’ve been searching for – Bellafill!

How is Bellafill different from all the other dermal fillers? It is made up of microspheres of PMMA, which has been used in medicine safely for over 60 years. These microspheres cannot be absorbed or broken down over time either, and as a result, they provide the necessary framework to support ongoing collagen production.

Worried about the Bellafill’s longevity? Studies have shown time and time again that the effects of Bellafill appear as dramatic at 5 years as they did 6 months following the injection! This means that you get to enjoy a long-lasting natural appearance in less time and at a lower cost. Don’t forget, Bellafill is FDA-approved for the treatment of the naso-labial folds (a.k.a., the smile lines), and it can also be used for the cheekbones, mid-face, jaw line, and the marionette lines.

When you come in to The Lifestyle Center to receive your Bellafill treatment, Dr. Moore and his team will take great care of you. They are very experienced in the use of Bellafill and keep our #1 goal in mind at all times – to restore a natural looking appearance that you can enjoy for a very long time! To achieve your youthful appearance once more, typically two sets of injections are required, but the results are long-lasting!

Ready to say good-bye to those wrinkles for good? Call us today to schedule your free consultation at (314) 863-5556!

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